March 2023 Full Moon

The next full moon will occur tomorrow, March 7th, at approximately 7:40 am EST, and even though this is the last full moon of winter, it brings with it the very first signs of spring.

As the ground begins to thaw over the next few weeks, the earth begins to wake up from its frozen slumber. Roots begin to extend underground, and plants begin to rise up to meet the sun. Earthworms also begin to appear in the warmed earth, which led to the Native Americans naming this moon The Worm Moon.

To honor this full moon, our moon circle will include:

  • Tapping into our root chakras with a grounding restorative practice.
  • A candle meditation.
  • Journaling about what we would like to release as we move into the spring season.
  • Creating a New Beginnings spell bag to help us move into the new season with joy and light.

Ready to embrace the coming of spring?

Join us for March 7th's Moon Circle!