Need to change or cancel your membership? No problem. We understand that life changes, and your membership should be flexible and easy to change with the seasons of life. Hear all about our approach to cancellations here (hint: it's compassionate and haggle free).

You must complete this form at least 5 days before your bill date in order for your cancellation to be processed.

But before you do, we want to show you the options available to you. Why do we do this? Because we've learned that not everyone knows all the options available. What are these options?

  • Freezing your membership once a year (minimum 1 month, maximum 3 months)
  • Changing to a membership that might fit you better such as a Virtual Only membership, one with less classes each month for a lower rate, etc.

"But wait, that's a sales pitch?!"

It is, BUT here's the difference: If you choose to cancel, we cancel your membership and let you know the last date of your current billing cycle so you can still take classes until then, no questions asked. We always end the conversation with an open invite back, at anytime.

You can use this form to request a chagce, freeze, or cancellation. If you want to talk to us about these options, give us a call or text: 412.714.6014.


If you a video library membership, please head here so pause or cancel yourself.

If you do not receive a confirmation email after submitting this form, please call, text, or email us. Without a confirmation email, we can not guarantee the form was correctly submitted to us.