
How do sound baths assist in balancing your chakras?

Your chakras are energy centers in your body. They can be closed off (or blocked) or open (unblocked), or somewhere along the spectrum between the two. Each chakra corresponds to organs, emotions, and metaphysical parts of you. Sound Baths use sound waves at different frequencies to realign the cells in your body to their natural and optimal vibrational state. So

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A beginners guide to the chakras

The Chakras are energy centers within our bodies. Some theories believe there are as many as 114 chakras throughout our bodies, but usually you’ll hear reference to the main 7 chakras. The 7 main chakras run from the top of your head to the base of your spine. The chakra system is a complex and ancient energy system that originated

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What Do Sound Baths Actually Do To Your Brain?

If you’ve listened to music before, you probably can relate to how different types of music can have a different affect on you. Maybe some songs make you feel energetic while others make you feel sad. Music is a repetition of sound, or melody. Sound baths are similar to music, but do not usually have a repetitive nature. A sound

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