Chest Press Tutorial

When it comes to increasing your strength by lifting, form is crucial to not only keep you injury free, but also to maximize the results from your efforts. In this article, we’ll review what a chest press is, what muscles it works, and proper form. What’s a Chest Press? A chest press is a weight training exercise in which the

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Will Strength Training Help Me Lose Weight?

The short answer is, yes. Cardio intense training is still effective to burn fat from your body, but adding strength training to your routine will compound and accelerate the progress. There’s a few reasons for this, of course, backed by scientific studies. Muscle mass increases metabolism rates. Muscle is more efficient at burning calories and can even continue to burn

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All about your booty! An overview to your glute anatomy

Let’s learn about your booty! If you’ve been around the fitness world, you’ve probably heard your butt being referred to by a muscle group, the glutes. Did you know that there are actually many muscles that make up this group of muscles? It’s okay if you didn’t, that’s why you’re here, to learn! Why is it valuable to learn about

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