What is the best exercise for you?

What type of exercise fits you best To maximize your impact from any workout, you need to have fun doing it! If you enjoy the workout, you’re more likely to do it more often, for longer periods of time, and stick with it. Take our quiz to find out which exercise fits you and your personality best! STARTPage 1 of

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What are the benefits of working out with a friend?

Whether you’re brand new to working out or a seasoned veteran, taking a group class with a friend can make it so much more fun! Various studies have found that working out with a friend can increase the intensity at which you workout, enhance stress management affects from your workout, help you reach weight management goals, and increase the time

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So what if you’re late to class?

You were going to be at the studio for your class on time and then BOOM – traffic jam! Or maybe your boss let the meeting run long and now you’re rushed. You’re probably thinking you should just cancel or skip it – you don’t want to upset the instructor or get nasty looks from other students. This is

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Is spinning a good way to lose weight?

Have you heard that cardio is the key to losing weight? What’s more cardio than a high intensity fast paced indoor cycling class? By this logic, cycling classes should be the fast track way to a slim waistline, right? Plus, the dimly lit room, loud music, and ecstatic motivation from the leader of the class makes it way more fun!

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