Pay What You Can December

In this season of giving, we are reminded of the generosity and support demonstrated within this community, and feel the warmth that it creates within what we know a lot of us think of as a second home. For the entire month of December 2022, we are offering a pay-what-you-can pricing option for all classes. This option is available for

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What’s an intention setting ceremony?

Time to Reflect and Move Forward The days go slow, but the years go fast. As someone who likes to reflect, I find myself thinking about this sentence a lot. A few years ago, as part of my self-care routine, I started to set aside times to pause. I found myself in a place where I needed change and without

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What are the benefits of working out with a friend?

Whether you’re brand new to working out or a seasoned veteran, taking a group class with a friend can make it so much more fun! Various studies have found that working out with a friend can increase the intensity at which you workout, enhance stress management affects from your workout, help you reach weight management goals, and increase the time

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So what if you’re late to class?

You were going to be at the studio for your class on time and then BOOM – traffic jam! Or maybe your boss let the meeting run long and now you’re rushed. You’re probably thinking you should just cancel or skip it – you don’t want to upset the instructor or get nasty looks from other students. This is

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Yoga Shape Exploration: Half Pigeon

Skip to the video Half Pigeon (or Ardha Kapotasana in Sanskrit) is one of those yoga shapes that people seem to love or dread. The good news is there’s plenty of options for it that may allow you to feel more supported in the shape and in control of the amount of sensation you wish to experience. There’s also a

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Find The Best Yoga For You

It’s overwhelming when looking at trying something new, but especially when there’s so many different options and you don’t know the difference between them all! That’s definitely true when it comes to yoga. Are all yoga classes slow and focused on stretching? What’s hot yoga? We know there’s a lot of questions when it comes to knowing what class is

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