Now that you know more about your glutes, let's put them to work in a class!
All about your booty! An overview to your glute anatomy

Let's learn about your booty! If you've been around the fitness world, you've probably heard your butt being referred to by a muscle group, the glutes. Did you know that there are actually many muscles that make up this group of muscles? It's okay if you didn't, that's why you're here, to learn!
Why is it valuable to learn about your body?
If you're using your body in any movement practice, such as yoga, cycling, strength training, running, etc, knowing your body and how it functions can allow you to capitalize on your efforts for maximum results.
Speaking of maximum, let's get into the 3 large muscles of the glute muscle group. First up, the gluteus maximus.
Gluteus Maximus
The Gluteus Maximus is the top layer (or superficial) muscle that covers the rest of the muscles. It's just as important to train the muscles below the glute max when you're targeting your booty in a workout.
Its main job is to extend your leg back, with help of your hamstrings. However, when you bend your knee, the hamstrings are less able to help out, which means you are focusing on the strength of the glute max more. The fibers in the very bottom of the gluteus maximus also contribute to hip adduction- pushing your thighs together.
Its a slightly slow-twitch dominant muscle, which means that slightly higher reps and slightly lower intensity will yield the best results.
Gluteus Medius
This muscle lies slightly higher on the body than the glute max, but under the glute max. It also wraps around to the front of the hip. A well-developed gluteus medius can make your hips appear wider, which may also make your waist look smaller in comparison. In other words, building the gluteus maximus muscle may make your butt bigger from front to back while building the gluteus medius muscle may make your butt look bigger from side to side.
Its responsible for both internal and external rotation of the hip, as well as straight leg abduction (moving your leg away from the midline of your body). It's also a slow twitch muscle that responds well to high reps and lower intensity.
Gluteus Minimus
This is the smallest of the Gluteus family of muscles and lies below both the maximus and medius. It is used for both hip extension and abduction, so its worked when you work the maximus and medius. It's also a slow twitch muscle, so again, high reps and low intensity to make this bad boy stronger and larger.
The smaller muscles
Under the gluteus family of muscles, there are many smaller muscles. Although they contribute less to the look of your booty, they are important for mobility, balance, and the health of your hip joints.
The piriformis abducts your legs, like the glute max, but functions more when the leg is bent. Most of the other small muscles are used for stabilization and balance.
Not only is creating strength in your booty a great way to feel better about how you look, but it's uber important for the health and happiness of your hips, legs, and low back!