Exercising Helps Your Learning and Memory Capabilities

Do you ever find yourself getting trapped in limiting self beliefs like...  

  • My memory is horrible, it’ll never get better. 
  • It’s too late to learn something new. 
  • I do this one specific workout, that’s enough for me 

Well, what if we told you there was a way to release these beliefs and embrace your fullest life?

In a recent study, researchers found how full body exercises can help to enhance a person’s neuroplasticity, in addition to a healthier cardiovascular and immune system. 

But what is neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is the mind and body’s ability to change and adapt. From the time you are a fetus into your to old age, your development shifts and takes on new challenges. This means your brain can remain plastic throughout your life, especially if you take care of it! 

The researchers theory for the study was that exercise could aid in a healthier physical body and immune system and, in turn, may enhance neuroplasticity via immune response. This theory was tested with participants engaging in 18 sessions where they began with a vocabulary learning session and then exercised via cardiovascular, stretching and toningThen, when they monitored and measured the physical and mental results,  they found that as people's immune and cardiovascular system improved so did their learning capabilities and retention levels!

So, how do you best support your mind and body, as they adapt to each stage of life, so you can continue to learn and grow?

At Triangle Foundry, we’ve got you covered with a full mind body connection...

Cardiovascular, Stretching, Toning = Yoga, Cycle, Strength

Mind-Body Connection = Meditation, Workshops, Self Empowerment in Community


Ready to embrace your full potential?

Start your 21 day trial today!