Why Your Right and Left Sides Feel Different in Your Yoga Practice

Asymmetry: A Strength, Not a Weakness “Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings.” ~ Rumi You step onto your mat, begin your yoga asana

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What to expect from the Snow Full Moon

This February 2023 Full Moon in Leo, coming into its full rotation at 1:29 pm EST on Sunday, is all about the heart openers. Prepare yourself for the feels, the romance, and lean in to all the creative and loving vibes. Though it’s nicknamed the “Snow Moon” (and not just because Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow giving us 6 more

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What is a Cacao Ceremony?

When seeing the word “cacao” your mind may immediately go to “chocolate!” But this is no ordinary chocolate, friends. This is a chocolate that has special origins, health filled properties and the ability to help you open your heart and focus your mind. Known as the “food of the gods”, cacao (kə-ˈkau̇) is the seed found in the fruit of

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How long does it take to see progress from yoga?

A: Seconds to Minutes to Months Now, let’s take that question even further: What kind of progress are you seeking? Is it physical strength and physique? Is it a sense of embodiment and calm with emotional and mental strength? Is it to be more flexible or to get into poses with more understanding? Is it to nurture your cardiovascular and heart

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Restorative vs. Yin: Slow but not the same

You may have heard of yin and yang. The balance between fast and slow, light and dark, intense and calm. So when you see that a studio offers a Yin class, you may think “Well, that’s a restorative class, of course! It’s a calm practice where you move slowly. Right?” Not necessarily. Yin and restorative, though both beautiful practices

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What is Reiki?

You’ve heard the phrase “Energy flows where attention goes,” but wondered what it means or how to practice this intention. You’ve experienced moments of walking into a space and feeling comfortable or safe, or that it’s not for you. You’ve had moments in your life where you can tell when you feel off, like something is “just not right.” You’ve

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