What is Reiki?

You’ve heard the phrase “Energy flows where attention goes,” but wondered what it means or how to practice this intention. You’ve experienced moments of walking into a space and feeling comfortable or safe, or that it’s not for you. You’ve had moments in your life where you can tell when you feel off, like something is “just not right.” You’ve had days where you feel full of life, or maybe a loved one gives you a hug or shares space with you at just the right time. So how do these moments, which seem invisible to the naked eye, produce such a shift within you? And how can you embrace them for a more balanced and fulfilled life?

Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a sacred energy that is already within each of us. The term comes from the Japanese words “rei” meaning universal and “ki” meaning vital life force. When a reiki practitioner is trained in this ancient Japanese energy work, they learn how to help guide that energy within you safely and efficiently. How this is done is by placing their hands either on or over the body to produce gentle energy shifts that allow you to connect deeper with your true nature. You are met with a balance of love and safety while they help align your chakras and restore body, mind and spirit - releasing energy blocks that may cause not only health problems but negative personal views and circumstances.


What do you need to participate in a reiki session?  Very simply, yourself and a little bit of time to allow a reiki practicioner to work on you.

Do you need to undress like at a massage? Nope! Just come as you are.

What will you feel during the session? It can be different for every person with every session, because your energy is unique to you and where you are in that moment.

Interested in a Reiki Session?

We pair reiki with sound baths for enhanced energy work. Register for our next group session.