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So what if you’re late to class?

You were going to be at the studio for your class on time and then BOOM - traffic jam! Or maybe your boss let the meeting run long and now you're rushed.
You're probably thinking you should just cancel or skip it - you don't want to upset the instructor or get nasty looks from other students.
This is an example of yet another thing we aren't thrilled about in the group fitness industry. If the fitness industry wants to be supportive, inclusive, friendly, and stress-reducing - how does pressure and judgment for being late to class fit into the equation? It doesn't.
Triangle Foundry takes a different approach. And we think that other studios should consider it as well.
You'll hear us say it over and over again, we would rather you show up late than miss your class. We just ask that you enter the room quietly when you arrive to keep any disruptions to a minimum. We have front desk staff so that someone is there to greet you, even if you are running late. In rare occurrences, the front door may be locked if you arrive late, and that would be because of a front desk staffing issue - we do try to keep these occurrences to a minimum though.
We know that life happens and we trust that you don't want to be late. We are supportive and inclusive, so we support you showing up late. It's more important that you show up and take class than if you pop in a little late. Your class should help to reduce your stress and anxiety, so we take judgment and pressure off the table from the start.
The instructor won't wait until you arrive to start class if you're late, but you're welcome to join late, take your own warm up or time to arrive in the room and join the rest of the group when you're ready.
When we tell you that we want to change the fitness and wellness industry to be more inclusive, welcoming, and supportive - we mean it. Everything about the experience you have with a studio space should represent their mission and values. Our approach to arriving late is one example of how we stand behind our mission.