The Chakras: Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Manipura (meaning “city of jewels” in Sanskrit) is also known as the Solar Plexus Chakra.
This chakra is positioned over the navel, around the belly button and over the area of the stomach. It’s strongly linked to the fire element, and holds direct focus on common sense, well being, and clarity. The solar plexus chakra is identified on the chakra spectrum by the color yellow.
It is often exhibited as a lotus with ten petals; these petals correspond to the streams of consciousness of spiritual ignorance, foolishness, delusion, jealousy, treachery, thirst, disgust, fear, shame, and sadness. Each of the petals of the lotus are meant to be representation of the ten Prānas (energy vibration) that the solar plexus chakra regulates. These include the Prāna Vayus: Prāna, Apāna, Udāna, Samāna, and Vyāna, and the Upa Prānas: Nāga, Kūrma, Devadatta, Krikala, and Dhananjaya. Within the lotus, a downward-pointed red triangle symbolizes the tattva of fire.
The solar plexus chakra is thought to regulate gut feelings, and drives our own personal power, self discipline, and our ability to achieve the intentions we set. As energy flows through the solar plexus chakra, one is thought to be cleared of negative energies. It encourages clear desires and intentions, and reinforces the importance of each step taken towards the overall intention set.
A balanced solar plexus chakra is linked to the following:
- the freedom to choose your own path
- confidence in your ability to achieve the intentions you set
- confidence in intrinsically knowing where to go and how to get there
- the ability to be proud of your achievements
- independence
- the ability to learn lessons from difficulties
- the capacity for forgiveness of the self
- knowing your worth.
When the solar plexus chakra is imbalanced or becomes blocked, this can hold an impact on the body in a physical, emotional, and spiritual sense. This can specifically provoke the sense of a loss of control over the self, and holds the potential to render some serious self esteem issues. Because the solar plexus chakra is thought to be directly positioned over the stomach, imbalances in this chakra could hold the potential to impact the gallbladder, the pancreas, the adrenals, the liver, and the digestive system as a whole. It is considered to hold control over our energy balance, and therefore strengthen and consolidate our overall health.
Some physical indicators of an imbalanced solar plexus chakra include:
- nausea
- digestive cramps
- digestive disorders
- diabetes
- disorders of the adrenal cortex.
Some emotional and spiritual indicators of an imbalanced solar plexus chakra include:
- low self esteem
- lack of direction in life
- difficulty with comprehension of long term outcomes
- difficulty with the development of plans to achieve intentions that are set
- helplessness
- the need to control everything and everyone around you
- inability to leave behind what no longer serves you.
There are different options to activate and balance the solar plexus chakra, including movement, sound, touch, meditation, and breathwork. Stress often holds the strongest impact on our ability to regulate this chakra; it often provokes a slow down to a point of becoming completely stationary secondary to burnout, or a completely extreme transition into overdrive. When our minds and bodies become overwhelmed by exceptional (and sometimes consecutive) experiences that provoke stress, we often lose the ability to hold intention with our direction in life and long term intentions. It is important to remind ourselves to slow down and process our lives’ experiences in an effort to keep a balanced solar plexus chakra. Mantras that include the seed sound “ram” can activate the solar plexus chakra in moments when we are able to slow down and meditate.
Some affirmations to use throughout meditation when working with the solar plexus chakra could include:
- I know that I am worthy of all of the good life holds for me.
- I feel motivated to pursue my purpose.
- We don’t need to be in control of everything in our lives.
- The only thing I need to control is my response to others.
- I hold high self esteem and feel good about myself.
- I release myself from the past and look towards all that is to come.
- I forgive myself for previous mistakes and recognize the lessons to be learned from them.
Crystals may also be effective in the effort to balance the sacral chakra. Some of the crystals that resonate most with the solar plexus chakra include:
- citrine
- calcite
- pyrite
- tiger’s eye
- amber
- sunstone
- yellow jasper
- yellow topaz.
While the chakra system has been recognized within spiritual traditions throughout history, it is worth the note that there is no scientific evidence to support any of this information at this time.