What are the benefits of working out with a friend?

Whether you're brand new to working out or a seasoned veteran, taking a group class with a friend can make it so much more fun! Various studies have found that working out with a friend can increase the intensity at which you workout, enhance stress management affects from your workout, help you reach weight management goals, and increase the time you workout.

That's a lot of benefits! Let's look at each of them a little closer to learn how this magic happens.

Increase Intensity

It's science! The Köhler Effect is the theory that people don't want to be the weakest in a group. In a group class, this means you're going to push yourself to work at the same intensity as others in the group.

One study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology took a look at how true the Kohler Effect really is by having participants complete a planks alone and with a partner (they ensured the partner's performance was always perceived to be better than the participants). Theirs results showed that working with a partner allowed the participants to hold their planks longer and feel more motivated. They calculated that those who exercised with a more experienced partner increased their plank time by 24 percent!

Reduce Stress

Exercise releases endorphins, a feel good chemical in your body. You may have heard of a "runner's high", which is a way to describe how these chemicals may make you feel. John Ford, certified exercise physiologist, who runs JKF Fitness & Health says, “One way is through smiling. Smiling has been shown to increase endorphin levels in studies. So when you’re in a great class or with a great bunch of people working out, that kind of conviviality can really make you feel great outside of just your runner’s high. An added benefit of this mood boost is that when you’re pushing yourself hard and struggling through more difficult parts of your workout you’ll feel better and more energized to complete the exercises.”

In addition to added feel good hormones, you may feel calmer when working out with a buddy. A study in the International Journal of Stress Management examined participants that rode a stationary bike for 30 minutes with and without a friend. They discovered that the participants who exercised with a friend expressed that they felt calmer after the workout than the participants that cycled alone.

Help to Reach Goals

One study found that 95 percent of people who started a weight management program a friends finished the program, compared to a 76 percent completion rate for those who worked on the program alone. Those that worked with a friend also were 42 percent more likely to maintain their weight after the completion of the program.

Increase workout time

One study confirms that working out with a friend significantly increases time you spend exercising. A study by the Society of Behavioral Medicine found that working with another person, improved performance and doubled the length of time of those who exercised alone.

Additionally, researchers at Kansas State University discovered that people who exercised with a partner they perceived to be better than them increased their workout intensity and time by 200 percent.

"We found that when you're performing with someone who you perceive as a little better than you, you tend to give more effort than you normally would alone,” says Brandon Irwin, principle researcher in the Kansas State University study. “In certain fitness goals, like preparing to run a marathon, consider exercising not only with someone else, but with someone who is that much better."


Most of us don't like to cancel plans with our friends. Knowing that our friend has planned to spend time with you can leave us feeling guilty if we cancel plans on them. There's plenty of reasonable reasons to cancel plans sometimes, but making a habit of it can take a toll on any friendship. Because of this, if you plan on working out with a friend, you're less likely to cancel or not show up. That's accountability. Your friend is expecting you to be there, giving you an extra oomph to the commitment you made. And if you don't show up, they're going to ask where you were and probably give you some shit if you tell them you were binge watching crime documentaries on your couch instead of hanging out with them!

At Triangle Foundry, we use FITdegree for scheduling classes. We love that their system includes community features that allow you to invite your friends to take class with you and see which of your friends are signed up for what classes!

Plus, save some money!

Sometimes you can find a partner deal which can save both you and your friend some cash! For example, right now, Triangle Foundry is running a BOGO (buy one get one) sale on New Student Specials. Purchase a 3 week trial for yourself and gift one to a friend who's also never been to the studio!

Only available until Saturday November 26, 2022.