At 10:15am on December 31st, Nikki will lead you through this lovely ceremony so you can move into 2023 with a clear vision.
What’s an intention setting ceremony?

Time to Reflect and Move Forward
The days go slow, but the years go fast. As someone who likes to reflect, I find myself thinking about this sentence a lot. A few years ago, as part of my self-care routine, I started to set aside times to pause. I found myself in a place where I needed change and without the intentional pause, reflection, and reroute I would be stuck on the same conveyor belt that I had started years ago. What better time to reset than New Years?
Though it’s another day into the next, there’s something magical about the end of the year and the start of a new one. A time to pause, to consider, and if necessary to change. I’m not talking about new years resolutions, though there’s a place for those too, but a deeper dive into where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to go.
That’s why I started participating in Intention Setting Ceremonies and I’m so unbelievably excited to host my own at Triangle Foundry this year.
In our hour and a half together, on the morning of New Year’s Eve, we will take time to zone in on the past year, the highs and lows and spaces in time that you may have forgotten about, and then we’ll put the lid on 2022, and open ourselves up to the possibilities of 2023.
What do you need to participate? An open mind and a journal.
I will fill our space with pieces of the four elements - air, water, earth, and fire and I encourage you to come early, make a cup of tea, and find a comfy space for yourself.
Reflections can be emotional journeys. Bring it all. We’re going to work through it together.
We will begin with a short grounding and meditation exercise and then move into some journaling. We’ll be reflecting on events or activities that have happened in the past year. If you’d like to bring your planner or journal or your photo reel that might help jog your memory, please feel free. This is an open space where you can feel free to move through it as you’d like.
We’ll then move into our New Year’s Ritual - Calling in intentions that you’d like to set for 2023. I hope you leave refreshed, recharged, and excited about the year ahead.
I’ve found this practice to be largely beneficial to creating the life that I want to live and I cannot wait to share this practice with you. Feel free to invite a friend. Our community always has room for more. We get one big, beautiful life. Let’s make it the best it can be together.
We will be in a group setting, but your journaling and reflections are your own. If you find that you want to share your intention for the coming year, you’re absolutely welcome to, but I won’t ask that of anyone. There is value in having an accountability partner, but there’s also value in holding things in your own heart. Choose your own journey.