Is spinning a good way to lose weight?

Have you heard that cardio is the key to losing weight? What's more cardio than a high intensity fast paced indoor cycling class? By this logic, cycling classes should be the fast track way to a slim waistline, right? Plus, the dimly lit room, loud music, and ecstatic motivation from the leader of the class makes it way more fun!
Yes, high intensity cardio workouts do assist in weight management. But, there's some considerations you should take in order to maximize your time on the bike and keep your body safe and happy.
There are several factors that affect the amount of fat that your body releases during physical activity. These include your metabolism, muscle mass, age, and more. To capitalize on releasing fat cells from your body during a high intensity spin class, consider the following tips.
1. Fuel your body
Calories are energy your body needs to function. By providing your body with a balanced diet before and after your workout, you are giving your body the energy it needs to complete the work of releasing fat and building muscle.
We suggest a small snack before class (even an early morning class), such as a banana, toast with jam or peanut butter, or a small bowl of cereal. You actually may burn more calories, more efficiently, if you eat before your workout, due to the Thermic Effect of Food.1
Additionally, make sure you hydrate with plenty of water before, during, and after your ride. Water helps your metabolism churn and calories burn efficiently.
2. Switch up your routine
When your body moves in only one way, it will get really good at moving in that way. Muscles used to complete those exercises will become strong, but possibly overworked and may leave your other muscles underused and weaker. This imbalance can cause strain on your joints.
Cycling is great at creating strength in your lower body, but neglects your upper body. Increased muscle mass allows your body to release fat at a more efficient rate. By adding strength training to your workout routine, you not only bring balance into your system, but you improve the fat burning powerhouse in your body. As an added bonus, you keep all of your joints and muscles happy and healthy!2
We fully believe in the importance of variety when it comes to physical activity, which is why we offer strength and yoga classes as well.
3. Give your body time to recover
Rest is vital to the effectiveness of any workout routine. Time is needed for your body to process, repair, and rebuild. The feeling of soreness you get after a challenging ride is a sign to you that your body needs some time to digest the benefits of your workout.
As far as nutrition goes, within an hour of ending your ride, fuel your body with a combination of carbohydrates and protein. This replenishes your muscle glycogen stores and provides amino acids for muscle repair and building.3
Recovery doesn't mean you can't move your body though! An active recovery such as a gentle yoga practice, like our Deeply Relax Yoga classes, or meditation can be extremely beneficial to your body and mind.
In summary, a cardio intense exercise, such as spinning, may help you with your personal weight management goals. With a little knowledge and awareness, you can compound your results and keep your body happy for years of beat dropping, sweat dripping classes to come!