Learn. Practice. Audition.
We've put together a 4 day training that will prepare you to be a knowledgeable, motivating, confident strength trainer!
Join two training days and two practice teaching days to learn the basics of teaching a strength training class at Triangle Foundry.
After the training, audition with a community class to join the instructor team.
No prior teaching experience or certifications required.

Training Day: Saturday August 10 10am - 2pm
Lab Day: Sunday August 11 10am - 2pm
Training Day: Saturday August 24 10am - 2pm
Lab Day: Sunday August 25 10am - 2pm

What's in the training?
Everything you need to start your journey as a motivating, knowledgable strength trainer!
Training Day 1 will consist of proper form for various exercises, teaching and cueing best practices, anatomy overviewStrength and Circuit class formatting.
Training Day 2 will include proper form of additional exercises, progressive overload explanation, musicality and playlist creation, Reps & Rhythm class formatting.
Both lab days will give you an opportunity to teach a mini class to your fellow trainees and Triangle Foundry instructors. You'll recieve feedback that you can apply towards your future classes and audition.
Space is limited. Secure your spot today.
We are limiting the training group to 10 trainees. If you know you'd like to be a part of this opportunity, secure your spot today.
Am I guaranteed a teaching position at Triangle Foundry by taking the training?
No, you are given the opportunity to audition to a teaching position as a substitute or weekly instructor. We do believe that the knowledge you will learn during the training can translate to teaching elsewhere as well as enhance your own training.
Am I able to miss any of the training days or lab days?
You can not miss the training days as there are only two of them and the information in them is essential to your training, but you may miss part or all of the lab days if needed.
When will the next training be/How often will you offer this training?
This training will not be available again in 2023 and most likely not again until at Fall 2024 at the earliest.
Questions? Ask Us!
412.714.6014 • [email protected]