Experience the Power of the Full Moon

It’s no secret that we tend to hold a stronger comprehension of the entirety of ourselves and our roles in the world when we tune into the environments we exist in. The Moon and its phases are thought to hold energies that correspond to our own energies throughout the courses of our lives. The wonder of the astrology of the Moon and its phases has mesmerized the world all throughout history and into the present. This is how the concept of the Moon ritual has come into creation; the alignment of our own energies with the energies of the Moon’s phases have been considered to encourage our reconnection to the self and develop our perspective of the world around us.

We experience the Full Moon when the Sun is in direct opposition to the Moon with the Earth in between. The Moon reflects light from the Sun, which creates the complete illumination of the Moon we see from the Earth. This phase of the Moon is active for approximately three days. The entirety of the cycle of the phases of the Moon is approximately twenty-nine to thirty days. Each cycle coexists with a different configuration of the planets and their positions in space. 

The Full Moon is considered to be the energetic peak of the month. As the Sun illuminates the Moon within our perspective, it is thought that we, too, develop stronger clarity of our lives and our role within our environment. This is considered in the following contexts:

  • strengthened intuition
  • connection of the conscious mind to the soul
  • reflection of the self
  • improved perspective
  • awareness of imbalances.

Traditions of how to harness the power of the Moon throughout its phases originate to ancient Babylonian and Egyptian cultures. Full Moon rituals tend to be based specifically on manifestation, intuition, detox, creation, and reflection. 

Some of these rituals include:

  • Breathwork: The Full Moon encourages us to connect with the energy of the universe. As we breathe in to experience the amplified energetic forces of the Moon in this phase, we develop heightened awareness of the world around us with this practice. This encourages insight into our own energy centers, as well as those of the environment we are in.
  • Meditation: The Full Moon is thought to illuminate some of the more shadowed areas of our thoughts and experiences. This illumination is considered to be an opportunity to sit with yourself and practice reflection. Meditation encourages introspection needed to work through some of the emotions brought to light within the energy of this Moon phase.
  • Sleep: The Full Moon is thought to hold the power to balance the circadian rhythm. This is based on the concept of the cleansing that is encouraged within this energetic peak. It is thought that an hour of sleep directly in the light of the Full Moon could balance and reset the body through the release of any excess elements.
  • Crystal Charging: The energetic peak of the Full Moon is thought to hold enough power to charge crystals. This concept recreates pressure within the magnetities of the crystals.
  • Smoke Cleansing: The Full Moon is thought to illuminate the things that no longer serve us. This tends to lead to the need for the detox of the body, the mind, and the spirit. The burning of sage, cedar, or rosemary in the light of the Full Moon is thought to release negativity and restore a sense of peace. In combination with this practice, a physical cleanse of the environment around you could additionally be completed to remove any other imbalances or negativity.
  • Intention Setting: As we release what no longer serves us, we create space for new beginnings. The Full Moon is considered to be an ideal time to set intentions for this reason. The creation of a Full Moon manifestation circle is an intention setting method based on the effort to manifest our desires within the energetic power of this Moon phase as it resonates within each of us. Each individual involved is encouraged to write their intentions down and then speak them into existence. Once all of the intentions have been set, the written intentions are burned collectively in a fire.

While the energetic power of the Moon  has been recognized within spiritual traditions throughout history, it is worth the note that there is no scientific evidence to support any of this information at this time.